07 December 2009

Tick tock, tick tock

Today marks 40 + 1. After several attempts to entice the baby into joining us outside the womb (Cabots Ice Cream in excess, spicy Burmese, Raspberry Leaf tea, long walk...) it seems that this little one is lodged snugly in place for now. To mark our due date, Craig and I took a walk in Forest Hills Cemetery (where we got married) to enjoy the glistening snow and reflect on everything we are so thankful for. I am trying to reframe the waiting to be about more opportunities to either get things accomplished our just relax. I made a stuffed turtle to go along with the owl, as well as a couple snazzy swaddling blankets. I think I am going to stop while I am ahead with the stuffed animals before our living room looks like the castoffs from Noah's Ark.

Will keep the blog updated with any baby news..TTFN.


  1. If that baby is anyway like Amari-needs spicy late night pizza binge to come out.

  2. woohoo! the wait is over! on to 6 - 12 month old onesies:)
