17 April 2010

A New Hampshire Get-Away

Craig, Maceo and I set off this afternoon to New Hampshire for the week. We have been looking forward to this vacation for quite some time - we have the first three days to spend together as a threesome, then Aunt Meredith and Uncle Rico are coming for a visit from Colorado, and then cousins Hana, Mira, Niko and Paul are coming at the tail end of the week for a rural get-away from the big cities of New York and Philly. So, in essence it feels like three vacations in one.

I plan to post many photos and stories from the week as it emerges, but I felt compelled to note at the outset that Maceo was a FANTASTIC traveler. We made it from Boston to NH in exactly three hours, with stops at both Trader Joes and the liquor store. Despite the fact that the car seat has become a serious foe of Maceo's, he managed to sleep 75% of the trip, with the other 25% being spent melodically cooing in the back seat. As soon as we got to the house, we started a fire to warms things up. The moment the flames started to flicker, Maceo became completely transfixed, staring into the hearth for an un-interrupted 10 minutes with a seriously contemplative and deep look on his face. Once he broke free from the lure of the flames, he promptly took a snooze on the rug. Apparently he got the memo about this being a vacation.

As if that was not enough A+ behavior, he made the transition into the co-sleeper and new bedroom environment without skipping a beat. This kid clearly loves a routine (I am pretty sure he gets that from his mom). We shall see if he sticks to his schedule and wakes up at 4am to eat...if not, all would be forgiven since he made the trip up here so much easier than we would have anticipated. We just love this little guy.

1 comment:

  1. what a dreamy baby. i need to meet him! how about a sojourn down south?
