18 November 2010

Inaugural Trip to the Children's Museaum

Last Friday Maceo and I went to the Children's Museum with our friend's Jen and Owen. Jen and I had no idea whether there would be much for our little guys to do since both are still crawling/wobbly walking (that would be Owen). However,the Boston Public Library has an awesome program where each day at each local branch there are a limited number of heavily discounted tickets to local museums and kid-friendly attractions. So, for $3 per mom/baby combo, we decided it was worth it to head off on an adventure...

Turns out that the museum has zillions of things for the little ones to do - including an entire environment devoted to crawlers. Unfortunately, we discovered that room after we had been thrashing around for a couple hours so they were pretty wiped out.

Below are some photos from the afternoon - as you can see a good time was indeed had by all. I think that Owen and Maceo could have spent the entire time in the room devoted to motion...watching golf balls zoom through various tracks, spiral slides and improvised ski-ball games. Needless to say we plan to return shortly.

Monitoring the ski-ball game.

An incredible structure that spans 3 floors of the museum - these two were not old enough to give it a try but all four of us marveled at the Bilbao-like beauty.

Maceo had some trouble figuring out the point of basketball - he looks as bewildered as mom does when watching the Celtics.

Investigating the track to make sure it is structurally sound.

The aftermath - exhaustion!

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