23 May 2011

We're still alive!

It's been forever since I have posted anything. Somehow the last couple months have gotten away from me. The main excuse is that someone in this house has been sick for about three months running; sometimes just one of us, sometimes two, and a few weeks ago all three of us at the same time. Ugh. Between that and Maceo deciding that he is no longer going to be a gold-star sleeper, we are all feeling a little frazzled and conserving energy. That pretty much means that once we get Maceo to sleep, we eat dinner, attempt to return any pressing correspondence, pay bills, have some vauge version of a husband-and-wife conversation, and then either A) go to bed, or B) watch some idiotic 30 minute TV re-run that we can stream off of Netflix. All of which is wrapped up by 9:30pm tops.

The good news is that we are on generally on the mend as far as health goes. The bad news is that Maceo is still having some major sleep issues...inexplicably up in the night between 2 and 3am and unable/uninterested in going to sleep again unless he is physically on top of a parent. That means we have given-in to some version of the family bed in a desperate attempt to get some sleep. Which I might add is especially uncomfortable as I grow increasingly pregnant. Of course we are fearful that we are actively creating a terrible habit that will be hard to break, but we also can't abide by being wide awake from 2-4am listening to him grow increasingly hysterical if we attempt the cry-it-out method. I am not sure how we functioned with such limited and fractured sleep during his first 6 months because it is kicking our butts right now.

So...I'm not promising a return to regular updates, but I did want to post a few great new photos and share link to a design website that recently featured our condo. Sending love to all from Boston.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Gal- it's Lynnise posting from my mom's computer...In any case, I just wanted to commiserate with you. Cole is insisting on waking at 3 or 4 am to come and join us in our bed. Its miserable being preggers and snuggling with a one year old's foot in your face. Time is ticking away for us to get him back into his crib only to have another one come join us in the bed. Anyway, I feel your pain. xoxoxo.
